Infrastructure for intelligent software.

Substrate is the platform for agentic AI. Elegant abstractions. High-performance components: optimized models, vector database, code interpreter, model router. And the only compute engine optimized for multi-step AI workloads.

Get $50 in free credits. No credit card required.

Simple abstractions that run fast.

Substrate is the only compute engine designed to run multi-step AI workloads.

Describe your task by connecting components — and let Substrate run it as fast as possible.

We analyze your workload as a directed acyclic graph and optimize the graph — for example, merging nodes that can be run in a batch.

Your code

Optimized workflow

Unified platformto build fast.

Substrate provides simple abstractions for building compound AI systems, making it easy to create workflows by connecting modular building blocks called nodes.

Simple abstractions for compound AI

Substrate introduces simple, intuitive abstractions for building compound AI systems, making it easy to create complex workflows by connecting modular building blocks called nodes.

# pip install substrate
from substrate import Substrate, ComputeText, sb

s = Substrate(api_key="SUBSTRATE_API_KEY")

topic1 = "a magical forest"
topic2 = "a futuristic city"

story1 = ComputeText(prompt=f"Tell me a story about {topic1}")
story2 = ComputeText(prompt=f"Tell me a story about {topic2}")
summary = ComputeText(prompt=sb.format(
  "Summarize these stories:\nStory 1: {story1}\nStory 2: {story2}",

response =

What people say

  • I LOVE this API paradigm.
  • Finally, a principled agent framework.
  • Your speeds are blazing fast rn.
  • Sooo clean, kind of makes LangChain look bloated.
  • I’m here because I checked out the SDK and really liked the abstraction choices.
  • Tweet
    Mike Cohen
    Head of AI & MLE at Substack
    Very excited for others to start to see and understand how amazing this product is.
  • Love it – was using a version of this internally, but this implementation is sick. Bullish on Substrate!
  • Discovered Substrate. It’s really cool and useful.
  • This is the first agents platform that’s very first principle IMO.
  • I will tell you that at the very minimum you’ve gained a customer in me that will show other people this platform.
  • I’ve been testing your API, it’s really amazing. And FAST!
  • Tweet
    Shreyans Bhansali
    CTO at Maven
    Substrate is the developer experience I always wanted. We tried LangChain, Pinecone, various inference APIs… Now we just use Substrate.
  • I’ve been looking for a replacement to Hugging Face and OpenAI API for years. Glad I found ya.
  • Just wanted to say Substrate looks very cool. Your demos make it look soooo easy.
  • So, I finally got to check out Substrate, and I must admit it’s damn interesting.
  • Love the futures concept […] absolutely love it.
  • Having a ‘this is a product we ought to use’ moment.
  • Love the naming conventions. […] Love seeing fellow ex-Stripes build new companies.
  • I’m annoyed I haven’t been recommending your product to my clients in my independent AI consulting work, because it is awesome.
  • A proper abstraction makes development feel natural, and honestly, joyful too.